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Romero, um filme de John Duigan sobre a vida do Arcebispo Óscar Romero

     Raúl Juliá no papel de Romero.

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adaptado de um e-mail enviado pelo Jorge


Monsenhor Óscar Romero foi assassinado há 30 anos (24 de Março de 1980)

Óscar Arnulfo Romero y Galdámez

Homilia da véspera do seu assassinato:

«Yo quisiera hacer un llamamiento, de manera especial, a los hombres del ejército. Y en concreto, a las bases de la Guardia Nacional, de la policía, de los cuarteles... Hermanos, son de nuestro mismo pueblo. Matan a sus mismos hermanos campesinos. Y ante una orden de matar que dé un hombre, debe prevalecer la ley de Dios que dice: "No matar". Ningún soldado está obligado a obedecer una orden contra la Ley de Dios. Una ley inmoral, nadie tiene que cumplirla. Ya es tiempo de que recuperen su conciencia, y que obedezcan antes a su conciencia que a la orden del pecado. La Iglesia, defensora de los derechos de Dios, de la Ley de Dios, de la dignidad humana, de la persona, no puede quedarse callada ante tanta abominación. En nombre de Dios, pues, y en nombre de este sufrido pueblo, cuyos lamentos suben hasta el cielo cada día más tumultuosos, les suplico, les ruego, les ordeno en nombre de Dios: Cese la represión». (Homilía dominical, 23 de marzo de 1980)

Monsenhor Romero seria assassinado no dia seguinte...

      O assassino de Monsenhor Romero:

baseado em: 


D'Aubuisson was born in Santa Tecla, graduated from the Salvadoran military academy in 1963, and took a course in radio operations at the School of the Americas (*) in 1972. He subsequently joined Salvadoran military intelligence.

From 1978 to 1992, during the country's protracted civil war, he was the central figure behind the death squads which were implicated in many extra judicial killings. These included Archbishop Óscar Romero, one of the most prominent Catholic priests in Latin America. On May 7, 1980, six weeks after Romero was assassinated, Major D'Aubuisson was arrested on a farm, along with a group of civilians and soldiers, in a raid which yielded a significant quantity of weapons and documents that implicated the group in killing Romero, organizing and financing death squads, and conspiring to bring down the Revolutionary Government Junta (JRG) government, which ruled El Salvador between 1979 and 1982. The arrests triggered a wave of terrorist threats and institutional pressures which culminated in D'Aubuisson's release. For a time, he lived in exile in neighboring Guatemala, where he regularly used conservative-owned television stations to broadcast denunciations of various Salvadorans who subsequently were visited by armed men and later found dead.


(*Escuela de las Américas

  Emblema da Escola das Américas. Lindo, não é? Tem uma cruz - será para lembrar os religiosos que assassinaram?

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adaptado de um e-mail enviado pelo Jorge


Golpe Militar nas Honduras - a implicação da «Escola das Américas»

   A military coup has taken place in Honduras on Sunday, June 28, led by School of the Americas (SOA) graduate Romeo Vasquez. Members of the Honduran military surrounded the presidential palace and forced the democratically elected president, Manuel Zelaya, into custody. He was immediately flown to Costa Rica.

Continuar a ler aqui


Teve lugar um golpe nas Honduras no domingo, dia 28 de Junho, liderado pelo graduado da Escola das Américas Romeo Vasquez. (...)


Ler neste blogue:

adaptado de um e-mail enviado pelo Jorge


School of the Americas, School of Assassins - narrado por Susan Sarandon

   Vídeo - School of Americas, School of Assassins (narrado por Susan Sarandon)

    «From the documentary: 'What I've Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy - The War against the Third World'. School of Assassins The School of the Americas, located at Fort Benning, Georgia - our own terrorist training school right here in the United States. This documentary is narrated by Susan Sarandon and features Father Roy Bourgeois talking about this U.S. Army school where soldiers from Central and South America are trained in the art of torture, terrorism, and assassination. This school has since officially been renamed "Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation." This is part four of nine a nine part series.»  

Transcrição aqui:  School of the Americas: School of Assassins

      Este é a quarta parte de um documentário mais vasto intitulado «What I've Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy - The War against the Third World» .    

4. School of Assassins

This film - School of the Americas Assassins (1994) - was directed and produced by Robert Richter of Maryknoll World Productions.

This segment comes from the documentary "School of Assassins" available from the School of the Americas Watch web site.


adaptado de um e-mail enviado pelo Jorge  

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